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February 6, 2017

The New Blue and Introducing the EL-DL

I hope everyone’s 2017 is off to a good start. The first few weeks were a bit of a slog as we transitioned into the energy of the New Year. Now we are really feeling the vitality and power of this next creation cycle that started on the Winter Solstice. We have a fast-paced year of change ahead of us.

Every Winter Solstice I go into a deep state to align with the energy of the new cycle. During this time, I receive guidance about the coming year and observe new activity in the realm of the Evolutionary Light. This year, we have a new spectrum of light activity and the re-emergence of essential values asserting themselves to match the challenge of these changing times.

Solidarity is the word I heard at the moment of the Solstice. Solidarity is one of the key
re-emerging values that will create a new organization of people at a higher level of consciousness than we have ever seen. Imagine the intense organization and solidarity that emerges to go to war. It will be similar mobilization, yet in this evolutionary cycle it will be for the purpose of sustaining and nurturing everything that we cherish as a civilization and as human beings… If we work for it.

And, that’s where the “new blue” enters the picture.



Of all the Light colors I see in a healing session or class, blue is the hardest working energy. A dark rich blue always shows when there is real healing to do. This year, the Evolutionary Light has brought forth a new blue. This blue is a lighter blue that I would typically attribute to the upper realms, but this blue carries a potency for working the earthly dimensions. This blue is lighter, tinged with white and very powerful.

After several weeks of observing and working with this frequency, I can tell you that we have a new wave of high potency energy capable of working the density of the 3rd Dimension.  This is great news but it comes with some caveats.

When you have this potency of energy working the more dense realms, it is going to shake things up. I am already seeing this in people’s health experiences. The higher energies are able to access and work with the physical body which means people are going to have physical symptoms and experiences that can be inconvenient, uncomfortable and sometimes frightening.

Stay focused on the knowing that the Evolutionary Light is here to refine and heal by resolving old issues and activating a new, much improved bio-energetic system that can support higher consciousness and a new heart-based reality.

This archived EL-UPD8! makes reference to the transition from the 3rd to 4th Dimension and offers insight to the impact this process is having on our physical bodies.


SELF-CARE when the Light Intensifies

As I have mentioned in past posts and classes, when the Light began to infiltrate the physical body a few years ago people started to have strange experiences. I have written about this for a few years and it could be helpful to read archived EL-UPD8!s, especially the one about the brain which can be read here: Dis-Equilibrium and the Electrical Brain and the one about the heart which can be read here: Care for the Heart.

We can expect more strange experiences to occur, especially with our bodies, as things accelerate.

There are many signature “new energy-related experiences” but, now the process is so individual that people could have numerous types of body symptoms. When the light moves into the
bio-energetic vessel, it will go to the trouble spots. Our trouble spots are the old strains, old injuries, and unresolved issues. By the time we are adults, we are loaded with them. The new energy, especially the blue, is going to those places and working to resolve the problems. That is why one person might be having back pain, a headache, and a rash while another person is having sleep problems, anxiety, and nausea. People can have a “sickness” but it is really an old issue resurfacing to be resolved.

To ensure that the process is well-supported, I encourage people to seek out health care professionals who can provide natural support for the body during intense energy episodes. I also recommend people invest in improving their baseline health. The healthier we are, the easier this process is.



When we have strange energy episodes that affect the body we inevitably start thinking that something is wrong or that we might be ill. When we feel badly, we use old lenses to understand our experience. A few years ago I encouraged people to create a new file in the mind called,

When we are stressed, we automatically start sorting information and putting it into established files in our mind so that we can interpret and organize our experience. We look for the familiar so that we can figure out how to respond.

What is happening now is so new that people have no framework for it and therefore no way to understand and respond. The IT’S THE ENERGY file will give you a framework for understanding your experience and then you can determine the best support for the process.

The next time you have a strange headache, your vision gets funky or you set your cup of coffee down in mid-air thinking the table was right there (yes, I’ve done this) you can say to yourself –
“It’s the Energy”. When you wake up from a good night’s sleep feeling like you were run over by a truck, you can say “It’s the Energy.” Instead of freaking out, tensing up and thinking you are gravely ill, you can remind yourself what is going on and let the process do its thing. Within a few hours to days, the discomfort will resolve and you’ll feel normal again –until the next energy download.

Here is a link to the archived EL-UPD8! where I first introduced this new contextual reframing of our experiences and referenced it as “It’s the Energy”.

From observing people and listening to the stress and fear, I have realized that this reframing file needs 2 categories:
1. Breakdown
2. Re-Build


So far, people have only been experiencing the evolutionary process through the breakdown phase. This is the discomfort from everything to bodily distress to the horror of current events. I agree that the breakdown phase is impressive and often frightening, whether it is happening in your body or in the collective. When all we perceive is the breakdown, it is all we think is happening. I can see this distortion everywhere- in the apocalyptic thinking and the fear and powerlessness in people’s faces.


I can assure you that there is A LOT more going on with this process than breakdown. There is something else incredible happening at the same time but, most people can’t perceive it. This is the new activity; the re-build, activation and implementation of a new operating system for life.



As an energy worker, for years I have witnessed the building and weaving of new light structures in both the Earth and people’s bio-energetic systems. This new weaving is very organized and full of evolutionary intention. Each year the Light’s activity has become stronger, especially once it breached the dense 3rd dimension and essentially leveled the playing field between dark ignorance and higher consciousness.

If I could summarize its activity I would say the Evolutionary Light is breaking the old systems down and re-organizing the bio-energetic systems around much higher principles and higher frequencies. This new organization requires a new operating system to make the leap.

At this point in time the Light is working non-stop to implement this new OS (Operating System) as fast as we can handle it. This process is not easy. It is not graceful and is nothing like the New Age predicted. The friction between the old and the new often looks and feels like trench work in a battle for the Soul.

As hard as things can be, it is so important for people to realize the Light is here to help us by helping us change; we are very well-supported and this is all part of the destiny of this planet, each country, and us as individuals.

But, we have to work with the process. Conscious evolution is not going to be a happy accident.



To strengthen the relationship with the Re-Building phase, I encourage people to look for the positive changes. By observing and consciously acknowledging the positive changes, you breathe more life into the positive developments. Too much energy is going into the negative activity and so we need to put major effort into feeding the positive.

The first step is witnessing and acknowledging the positive developments. Some of the positive changes will be slight and others will be strong and obvious. As the energy of Solidarity gains momentum, look for this higher organization and mobilization happening in the collective. Solidarity is a key to everything else that is pushing to unfold over the next few years.

We each need to face the parts of ourselves that feel different and separate from others. It is time to open our hearts and minds to the perceived differences so that we can find the common ground to support the movement of solidarity. This is the essential breakdown of defenses in the heart system and mind that served us at one time but no longer serve us and are not in step with our evolution. The Light is re-organizing our tribal instincts to create a much bigger circle.

We can make our process easier through conscious participation. The best way to do this is to create the conditions that support yourself and the Light’s activity.

When we are open, the Light will inform our higher mind providing inspiration and guidance on how we are to move with the times. When our energy system is jammed with stimulation, we are not capable of interacting with our higher mind. One way this is manifesting lately is in major energy clogs in the neck region that are literally obscuring the sensory system and preventing the perception and discernment of truth.

Energy work and meditation are critical allies for these times. They will clear out the old energy and blockages in your energy system and mind so that you have the space and clarity to receive and discern truth.



One of the most important ways we can work with the process is to allow it. Allowing the Light to do what it is here to do will move you forward in remarkable ways. Resistance to change is natural but only makes things harder.

From what I can see, most people have no idea they are resisting because they do not understand the bigger picture. There is no context for what is happening to us. The simplest context is- we are changing and being changed for the better but we have to work with the process in order for it to go as it is intended.

With this basic understanding of the bigger picture and how this process works, we can begin to trust the process and allow the refining and rebuilding while purging the living past from your bio-energetic system. The Light is now strong enough to accomplish what we have been unable to do in the past; to truly release us from the patterns of pain and suffering from our ancestral and human experience. As rough as it is and as terrifying as it looks, we are alive in a very potent and critical time.



Starting in March, Sheilagh will be hosting the EL-DL Conference Call. The Evolutionary Light Download is a monthly call providing a download of both critical information and Light.

Each month, I will be presenting a theme or challenge posed by the process and then provide support for reframing your experience and navigating the challenge. I will also lead a guided visualization and attunement to the newest currents of Evolutionary Light.

This call is for those who want to create a dynamic relationship with the Evolutionary Light and learn how to surf these wild waves of change. Newcomers as well as seasoned Lightworkers will benefit from this monthly reframe, tap-in and re-boot.

Registration for the March EL-DL can be done by clicking on the link above or by going to the LEARN section of the website and clicking on the EL-OS: PPL category.  Clicking on this link will also take you to all the EL-DL Conference Call dates and registration opportunities.

As this process intensifies and personal and collective events mirror that intensification, I will continue to post EL-UPD8!s and provide helpful information about what is unfolding.

Thank you to all of you out there holding the Light. It is a privilege to support the Lightworkers and to serve and witness the unfolding of the Light on this very precious planet.
