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The Earth is changing and needs our assistance. The Earth and everything on it is taking this next big evolutionary step.  Just as people need help with the process, so do our land, dwelling places, and pets.  Sheilagh Durkin developed ELM: EARTH & DWELLINGS which is an approach that teaches how to connect directly with the Evolutionary Light to create harmonious environments for health, wellness and higher consciousness.

 ELM: EARTH teaches:

  • How to co-create dynamically stable, organized and clear living and working spaces
  • How to use the ELM: EARTH Essence Set to support and maintain the energy healing work
  • Essential self care practices for staying strong, clear and healthy

Why ELM: EARTH is needed:

  • To resolve old, stagnant and problem causing energy impacting land and dwellings places
  • To heal land that has sustained damage
  • To create harmonious environments where relationships and businesses can thrive
  • To create energetic sanctuaries for people, animals and Nature
  • To create optimal environments for conscious living

The Foundations class is the first step toward becoming an ELM: EARTH & DWELLINGS Practitioner.

The next ELM: Foundations class is in September 2023.


Please observe the pre-requisite classes for each training.

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